Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 127-.

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The Logic of Differential Effects of Heterogeneous Collective Actions on Government Decisions-Making:Based on(fsQCA)Fuzzy Sets Qualitative Comparative Analysis


  • Online:2023-03-17 Published:2023-03-10




The logic of the role of collective action on government decision making is an important topic in the field of social risk governance. This paper constructs an analytical framework of the logic of the role of heterogeneous collective action on government decision-making from a stratum perspective based on four dimensions: psychology and beliefs, organization and communication, technology and media, and environment and negative pressure, and conducts a qualitative comparative analysis of 30 case groups based on the stratum attributes of action groups. It was found that the differences in the logic of collective action on government decision making among different stratum attributes were mainly manifested in the heterogeneity of the components of the logic of collective action on government decision making, and the unevenness of the strength of each influencing factor in the collective action. Further analysis of the mechanisms of these differences shows that collective action behavior with different stratum characteristics is mainly governed by multiple factors such as the relative position of the group in the social structure, survival situation, accessibility of resources and dependence on specific resources. Under the action of the multifactor coupling mechanism with stratum as the kernel, the logic of heterogeneous collective action on governmental decision making is presented in the form of differentiated factor combinations and unbalanced factor intensity distribution. This paper presents the internal structural differences of collective action from the perspective of the hierarchical heterogeneity of the actors, and also reveals the key dynamic mechanisms that generate the differences in the logic of collective action on governmental decision-making, which is useful for further improving the relevance of governmental decision-making. 

Key words: Government Decision-Making, Behavioral Differences, Collective action, Qualitative Comparative



关键词: 政府决策, 行为差异, 群体行动, 定性比较