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    17 March 2023, Volume 12 Issue 2
    How Adjacent Areas Integrate into Regional Intergovernmental Cooperation System: A Case Study of Institutional Diffusion of Economic Cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta
    WANG Luhao, LIN Hailong, YANG Mei
    2023, 12(2):  3. 
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    This paper aims to explain how adjacent areas which around existing urban agglomeration integrate into established regional intergovernmental cooperation system. By introducing theories of institutional diffusion, this paper reveals and discusses the process and mechanism of institutional diffusion in the Yangtze River delta economic zone which expands from 16 cities to 26 cities in the past 11 years. Based on interlocal agreements, this paper constructs cooperation networks to reveal the process from preinstitutionalization, theorization, to widely diffusion, as well as the network structures and features in each stage. What’s more, this paper explains the main mechanism of institutional diffusion for the integration of adjacent areas into regional intergovernmental cooperation is the top-down institutional pressure, while There are also multiple institutional tensions that city governments are able to effectively resolve through three strategies: balancing, selecting, and dissolving when integrating into the regional intergovernmental cooperation system. By introducing institutional diffusion into regional intergovernmental cooperation, this paper also reveals multiple institutional tensions in the diffusion of regional cooperation, as well as the problem of formalization in the institutional diffusion.
    Influence of Dual-weakened Intergovernmental Structure(DWIS) factor to Cross-regional Public Service Collaborative Policy under the Regional Integration Process:Case Study on Cross-domain Bus between Y City and Z New District in the Yangtze River Delta Region
    CHEN Hao, ZHU Xueyuan
    2023, 12(2):  24. 
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    As China enters a new era of high-quality development, the mode of regional development is transforming from traditional administrative division to regional integration strategy. Meanwhile, the construction of cross-regional public service collaborative policies is essential. Although the local government is mainly responsible for the supply of localized public services, the cross-regional public service collaborative policy has the attribute of horizontal intergovernmental cooperation, and the horizontal intergovernmental structure has an important impact on the cross-regional public service collaborative policy behavior. This paper focuses on the influence of special dual-weakened intergovernmental structure (abbreviated as “DWIS”), which referred to a situation of both in weak financial resources and weak policy capacity for nearby two local governments. From the perspective of resource-capability theory, an adaptive bonding analysis framework is constructed based on the three dimensions of goal constraint, motivation induction and discourse construction. Combined with the case study of cross-domain bus between Y city and its adjacent Z new district in the Yangtze River Delta region, an adaptive bonding analysis is carried out on the formation mechanism of the collaborative policy dilemma influenced by the DWIS factors. The result reveals that the DWIS factor has a distorting effect of adaptive bonding mechanisms on the cross-regional public service collaborative policy decision and implementation process. Specifically, the shortage of financial resources weakened the motivation of local government’s participation in collaborative policy, and the lack of policy capabilities reduced the ability for conflict management in the policy process, which resulting in barriers in target integration, motivation induction as well as incompatibility of multi-dimensional discourse systems. Therefore, in order to speed up the process of regional integration, it is necessary to attach importance to the DWIS factor existing in adjacent governments’ cooperation in low development gradient areas, and take multiple measures to solve the dilemma of the government’s participation in cross-regional public service collaborative policy and even in process of regional integration development.
    The influencing Factors and Logic of Inter-governmental Collaboration:An Analysis Based on Organizational Perspective
    WANG Zheng
    2023, 12(2):  43. 
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     In the operation of Chinese government organizations, there are a large number of inter-departmental collaborations, that is, the competent departments and cooperating departments work together to complete the tasks around a certain governance task. This paper analyzes the causes of the differences in the forms of interdepartmental collaboration, and points out the active role of the task coordinator in interdepartmental collaboration. Interdepartmental collaboration has the organizational function of breaking the fixed division of labor, condensing governance resources and releasing capacity signals. At the same time, different task attributes and their control elements shape different forms of collaboration, so the form of collaboration between departments often varies with the change of task attributes and control elements. In practice, the competent departments often actively compete for the attention of superiors through various means such as packaging collaborative tasks and central tasks, and creating public opinion atmosphere, and strengthen the overall planning of the coordinating departments with the attention of superiors. The investigation of the role differences and organizational mechanisms of different departments in the process of collaboration helps to enhance the understanding of the internal operation and logic of Chinese government organizations, and to think from multiple perspectives on how hierarchical organizations complete their tasks.
    Research on the Synergy of Sectoral Actions in Local Government's Policy Implementation Plan: Take the Blue Sky Protection Campaign as An Example#br#
    YU Wensong, WANG Shujun, CAI xiaoshen
    2023, 12(2):  54. 
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    The policy implementation plan of the local government is an important part of public affairs governance. This study starts with self-organized movements, focuses on the research on the synergetic mechanism within the policy implementation plan, selects the field of Blue Sky Protection Campaign as an example, takes 101 local governments’policy texts of Blue Sky Protection Campaign as data sources, and uses text data mining and correlation analysis methods to analyze the order parameters of departments and actions in the local government air pollution control, combined with social network analysis methods to reveal the problems existing in the synergetic mechanism, and put forward optimization suggestions from the perspective of departmental responsibilities. The results show that the self-organized movement of departments and actions within the local government can form order parameters, and the order parameters guide departments and actions to form the synergetic mechanism. The synergetic mechanism has problems due to the excessive or insufficient co-occurrence of departments and action relationships. The scientific and reasonable responsibilities of departments can give full play to the role of the synergetic mechanism and improve the governance effect in a short term and at low cost.
    What Kinds of Officials Will be Corruption: The Evidence for the Causes of Corruption from QCA#br#
    QIU Hongyu, LIU Xiutao
    2023, 12(2):  71. 
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    Corruption is an important issue in modern government governance. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has made initial progress in its anti-corruption work by " cracking down on both tigers and flies ". However, the existing domestic literature on anti-corruption cases and experience review mostly studies the causes, mechanisms and paths of corruption from non-configuration cultural, economic and political perspectives, and lacks the interpretation of corruption paths based on different kinds of complex causality. As a result, based on the multi-set configuration of QCA qualitative comparative analysis and the analysis advantage in the medium number of cases, through the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis of classic cases (fsQCA), solve the theoretical "portrait" of "what kind of officials will be corruption", and show the new configuration mechanism path for the early warning of corruption.
    Influence Mechanism of Social Class Status and Political Participation on the Sense of Gain in Anti-corruption Work:Empirical Analysis based on CSS2017
    WANG Pu, ZHOU Chen, REN Jianming
    2023, 12(2):  82. 
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    The sense of gain in anti-corruption work is an important indicator to measure the effectiveness of anti-corruption work, and has an important impact on the "credibility" of the government. Related issues have become the research focus of related disciplines such as politics and administration, but the existing research does not pay enough attention to the differential impact of the internal and external structural characteristics of social public individuals. In view of this, the paper studies the mechanism of its impact on the sense of gain in anti-corruption work from the dual perspectives of public external political participation and internal socio-economic status. Based on the comprehensive survey data of China's social situation, it is found that there is a significant positive correlation between the public's socio-economic status and their sense of gain in anti-corruption work; People's institutional political participation has a significant positive impact on people's sense of gain in anti-corruption work, and plays an incomplete intermediary effect in the process of people's socio-economic status affecting their sense of anti-corruption acquisition; Non institutional political participation can inhibit  people's sense of gain in anti-corruption work. Therefore, in order to further enhance the people's sense of access to anti-corruption, it is urgent to innovate and improve the people's political participation system, dredge group behavior actively; Meanwhile, strengthen grass-roots corruption governance, and strive to improve people's sense of gain in anti-corruption work.
    How Anti-corruption Reduces the Public's Willingness to Pay Bribes: The Dual Mediation Effect of Corruption Tolerance
    YUE Lei, LIU Qian
    2023, 12(2):  97. 
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    The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward "Insist on investigating bribery together", which will be the focus of future anti-corruption practice. However, the topic of public willingness to pay bribes has rarely been studied and discussed by domestic scholars. Therefore, an in-depth study of the factors influencing the public's willingness to pay bribes and their mechanisms can provide a theoretical basis for anti-corruption policies that take the public as an entry point, so as to prevent and reduce corruption at the source. The survey analysis of Henan residents found that public corruption tolerance plays a dual mediation effect among the influencing factors of public corruption tolerance. On the one hand, anti-corruption performance does not have a direct effect on public willingness to pay bribes, but has an indirect effect on public willingness to pay bribes by affecting public corruption tolerance. On the other hand, public corruption tolerance partially mediates the effect of corruption experience and public willingness to pay bribes. It is an important practical strategy to curb the public's willingness to pay bribes by strengthening the punishment of bribe-paying behaviors, perfecting the blacklist system of bribery, cultivating an honest cultural atmosphere in society and deepening publicity on fighting corruption and building a clean government to effectively reduce the public's corruption tolerance.
    Policy Diffusion and Implementation Efforts of Role Model Cities for Safe Development in China: A Comparison Analysis from 281 Prefectures (2010-2021)#br#
    LIU Jie, HAN Ziqiang
    2023, 12(2):  111. 
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    Resilient cities, as a concept of urban disaster mitigation and risk management, has entered China's policy arena and have been included in China's 14th Five-Year Plan and promoted as a central policy advocacy, while the State Council's " Role Model City for Safe Development (RMCSD)" is an important localization of the concept of resilience. Traditional policy innovation diffusion studies focus on the adoption of policies, but ignore the implementation efforts. Based on the dual perspectives of policy adoption and policy implementation, this paper collects data from 281 sub-provincial and prefecture-level cities in China during 2010-2021, and analyzes the factors influencing the adoption and implementation of the RMCSD policy by local governments from three aspects, including organizational structure, administrator characteristics and environmental factors. The results show that there are commonalities and differences in the driving logic of local government policy adoption and implementation, with provincial push, peer pressure, city administrative level, and socioeconomic characteristics influencing both local government policy adoption and policy implementation. Central signals are a significant influence on local government policy adoption, but not on sustained policy implementation; local government fiscal pressures have insignificant effects on policy adoption, but significantly impede sustained policy implementation. Neither the origin of key city officials nor previous accident experience had a significant effect on policy adoption or policy implementation efforts. This study provides the first comprehensive picture of the implementation of the resilient city concept in urban governance in China and contributes to further understanding of the complex characteristics of the policy diffusion and implementation process.
    The Logic of Differential Effects of Heterogeneous Collective Actions on Government Decisions-Making:Based on(fsQCA)Fuzzy Sets Qualitative Comparative Analysis
    WANG Yingwei
    2023, 12(2):  127. 
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    The logic of the role of collective action on government decision making is an important topic in the field of social risk governance. This paper constructs an analytical framework of the logic of the role of heterogeneous collective action on government decision-making from a stratum perspective based on four dimensions: psychology and beliefs, organization and communication, technology and media, and environment and negative pressure, and conducts a qualitative comparative analysis of 30 case groups based on the stratum attributes of action groups. It was found that the differences in the logic of collective action on government decision making among different stratum attributes were mainly manifested in the heterogeneity of the components of the logic of collective action on government decision making, and the unevenness of the strength of each influencing factor in the collective action. Further analysis of the mechanisms of these differences shows that collective action behavior with different stratum characteristics is mainly governed by multiple factors such as the relative position of the group in the social structure, survival situation, accessibility of resources and dependence on specific resources. Under the action of the multifactor coupling mechanism with stratum as the kernel, the logic of heterogeneous collective action on governmental decision making is presented in the form of differentiated factor combinations and unbalanced factor intensity distribution. This paper presents the internal structural differences of collective action from the perspective of the hierarchical heterogeneity of the actors, and also reveals the key dynamic mechanisms that generate the differences in the logic of collective action on governmental decision-making, which is useful for further improving the relevance of governmental decision-making. 
    Inclusive Governance of Gated Community in Evolving Social Structures
    XIAO Han
    2023, 12(2):  144. 
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    Post-NPM Movement and China’s SOG Reforms
    TIAN Xiaolong
    2023, 12(2):  157. 
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    Since the late 1990s, Western countries have started a post-New public management (post-NPM) movement that transcends NPM. Using mythical, structural and value perspectives and taking as examples China’s 2008, 2013 and 2018 central government reforms, which are launched under the name of service-oriented government (SOG), this article attempts to explore the similarities and differences between the post-NPM and China’s SOG reforms, so as to promote the construction of an autonomous knowledge system of government reform with Chinese characteristics. The analysis shows that as a reform myth, SOG is a new concept beyond NPM, corresponding to the coming post-industrial society and cooperative governance. At the structural level, SOG reforms actively promote the super-ministry system, which is a post-NPM structural element, but also adhere to the reform content with Chinese characteristics, such as the Party’s leadership and leading groups. Seen from the value perspective, SOG reforms take serving the people as its value orientation, well beyond serving customs in NPM. Also, SOG reforms lead to the cooperative ethics for all human beings, which is also different from the creation of public value in post-NPM. Generally speaking, under the Party’s leadership, SOG reforms follow a Chinese way beyond NPM, and people's needs and demands are the internal driving force for SOG reforms.