Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 14-.

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Performance Measurement of Government Service from the Perspective of Public Value: Based on User Experience Evaluation of 10 Counties in A City


  • Online:2023-09-17 Published:2023-09-05

公共价值视角下的政务服务绩效测度——基于 A 市 10 个县区的用户体验评价



How to measure the level of government service performance from the public and social perspectives is a hot topic of academic concern and discussion. This paper concretizes the public value in the field of China, puts forward the public value system of government service performance evaluation, and constructs the index system of government service performance measurement from the dimensions of mission, tool and equity value. This paper introduces user experience evaluation in the field of psychology and marketing, and organizes the investigator to simulate the identity of an official to conduct on-line and off-line user experience and empirical analysis on the government service performance of 10 counties in A city. The study found that the local government in the process of government service construction has low transparency, digital transition lag, response feedback poor effectiveness and other obvious problems, the reform pay more attention to the value of tools such as“Efficiency” and“Technology”, while the value of rights and interests such as“Response” and“Convenience” are weakened. This paper constructs the government service performance measurement index system from the perspective of public value, which is expected to provide theoretical basis and evaluation criteria for government service construction. This paper introduces user experience evaluation into the field of government service, in order to observe the real performance of government service from the perspective of public and social demand. Through first-hand data analysis, help enhance the accuracy and authenticity of the evaluation. In this sense, it provides a new attempt for government service performance evaluation.

Key words: Public Value, Government Service, Performance Measurement, , County-level Government, User Experience


如何从公众和社会角度检视政务服务绩效水平,是当前学界关注和探讨的热点议题。本文将公共价值在中国场域具体化,提出了政务服务绩效评价公共价值体系,从使命、工具、权益价值维度构建政务服务绩效测度指标体系。引入心理学和营销学领域的用户体验评价,组织调查员模拟办事人身份对 A市10个县区的政务服务绩效进行线上线下用户体验和实证分析。研究发现,地方政府在政务服务建设过程存在透明度呈现低、数字化转型迟滞、回应反馈实效差等显性问题,改革注意力较关注 “效率”“技术”等工具价值,而 “回应”“便捷”等权益价值被消解弱化,“放管服”改革政策呈现一定漂移状态。本文以公共价值视角构建政务服务绩效测度指标体系,有望为政务服务建设提供理论依据和评价标准。将用户体验评价引入政务服务领域,以期从公众和社会的需求端角度观察政务服务绩效真实状况。通过一手数据分析,有助于提升评价的精准性和真实性。在此意义上,为政务服务绩效评价提供了新尝试。

关键词: 公共价值, 政务服务, 绩效测度, 县级政府, 用户体验