Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 141-.

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Uniting Work: A Mechanism for the Functioning of County's Weak Sectors


  • Online:2023-09-17 Published:2023-09-05

团结工作: 县域弱势部门的运作机制



 In the process of county governance, the division of functions has shaped the differences between departments in terms of political status and resource volume, making a distinction between strong and weak departments in the county. In a governance situation where grassroots governments have multiple mandates and tasks, how can the weaker departments mobilize township 
governments to accomplish their tasks? A study of the S County Women's Federation's "Beautiful Courtyards" found that disadvantaged departments strengthened their political influence and raised the priority of their own tasks by leveraging upward, peer-to-peer cooperation and downward mobilization strategies. Unlike the strong departments, which often use the assessment and inspection system to transmit pressure, the weak departments rely on the " Uniting Work " mobilization mechanism. The logic of " Uniting Work" is that, at a time when grassroots government is not hierarchical and informal relations are widespread, the weaker sectors take advantage of the institutional gap to reconfigure the logic of resource allocation and organizational relations to achieve a multi-line mobilization of grassroots government. The article may help break the generalized perception of the government system and open the black box of government operations.

Key words: Strong and Weak Sectors, Administrative Appraisal, Section , Mobilization


在县域治理结构中,职能分工形塑了部门在政治地位、资源体量等方面的差别,县域部门出现强势与弱势的区分。在基层政府多委托多任务的治理情境下,弱势部门如何动员乡镇政府完成任务? 研究S县妇联 “五美庭院”的工作发现,弱势部门通过向上借势、同级借力、向下动员等策略,强化自身的政治影响力,提升本部门任务的优先级。区别于强势部门常用考核 督查体系传导压力,弱势部门更依赖于 “团结工作”的动员机制。 “团结工作”的逻辑是,在基层政府非科层化运作以及非正式关系的广泛存在之时,弱势部门发挥能动性,充分利用制度间隙,重构资源分配逻辑和组织关系,实现对基层政府的多线动员。 “团结工作”机制的发掘,有助于打破对政府体系笼统化的认知,打开基层政府运作的黑箱。

关键词: 强势部门与弱势部门, 行政考核, 科层动员