Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 128-.

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Research on the Urban Management System in the “Rites of Zhou” and its Inheritance


  • Online:2024-07-17 Published:2024-06-27

《周礼》 中的城市管理制度及其历史演进



Confucian classics are the core of Confucian cultural heritage and traditional government ideas, and are also the main carriers of traditional urban management system. The “Rites of Zhou”is the first Confucian classic that described the setup of national institutions and the division of functions systematically and completely. The content of urban management in it can be regarded as the gene of Chinese traditional system of urban management. The system of urban management in this work consisted of two aspects. To maintain the ruling order and national unity, it suggested to administer the urban and rural in different ways, and to establish hierarchical order; to manage urban society and economy development, it proposed to strengthen the management of market and business, set up household registration and the joint guarantee system and restrict population migration, etc. These systems have experienced the continuous development and improvement of the feudal dynasties and gradually became the main body of China's traditional urban management system. Systematically sorting out the system of urban management in the “Rites of Zhou” not only provides a perspective for understanding China's traditional urban management but also provides a solid foundation for building an urban management system rooted in Chinese tradition and meeting the needs of the real development.

Key words: Urban Management, Rites of Zhou, History of System;History of City, Inheritance of Traditional Institution


《周礼》是我国第一部系统、完整记述国家机构设置和职能分工的儒家经典,其中有关城市管理的内容可视为中国传统城市管理的制度基础。 《周礼》中的城市管理制度包括维护国家政治秩序和维护城市社会经济秩序两个层面:在国家层面, 《周礼》以城市为基础,通过营国治野、国野分治、等级体系等制度来维护政治权力和国家统一;在城市层面, 《周礼》通过户籍登记、属地管理、联保制、治安与防火管理等实现对城市社会和安全的管控,通过对市场和商业流动的管理来维护城市的经济秩序。这些制度经历代传承和发展,成为中国传统城市管理制度的主体内容。近现代以来,虽然受到西方的冲击和影响,但中国传统的城市管理制度并未中断,仍然对当前的城市管理制度发挥着广泛而深刻的影响。

关键词: 城市管理, 周礼, 制度史, 城市史, 制度传承