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    17 July 2024, Volume 13 Issue 4
    The Strategic Path and Theoretical Innovation of Promoting Public Service in  the Process of Chinese Modernization
    LI Baorong
    2024, 13(4):  3. 
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    Great achievements have been made in the public service system, high-quality employment, high-quality education system, the construction of a social security system, the construction of a healthy China, the social assistance system, housing conditions for urban and rural residents, and the quality of urban and rural community services. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be comprehensively promoted with Chinese-style modernization, which provides the fundamental direction for the development of public services. The essential requirement of Chinese-style modernization points out that public service should always maintain the "people's character", and also points out the content and goal of public service work, that is, to improve the public service system that meets the people's yearning for a better life. Therefore, standing in the new historical position, it is necessary to build a public service theoretical system innovation rooted in the great practice of Chinese-style modernization. In the future, the practice of public service should pay more attention to five aspects: basic connotation, extension and significance, policy design and standard system of public service, effect assessment and supervision system of public service, high-quality supply of public service enabled by digital technology and international comparison and mutual learning of public service system, so as to practice and expand the Chinese-style modernization road of public service. To build a public service strategy path and theoretical pedigree with Chinese standard characteristics, theoretical characteristics, practical characteristics, value characteristics and governance characteristics.
    The Digital "Echo" of Citizen Participation: How Information Disclosure Shapes Opinion Expression
    WANG Xiang, Bai Jie
    2024, 13(4):  11. 
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    In the wave of digitalization driven by rapid advancements in information technology, the digital transformation of governance methods has become a leading trend in government reform. Constructing a transparent, open government, illuminated by sunlight, is an important approach to achieving digital transformation and reshaping the relationship between government and citizens. This paper starts with the era's backdrop of digital government construction and, based on Chinese Social Survey, systematically discusses the systemic impact of government information disclosure on citizen opinion expression. The research finds that government transparency significantly enhances the activeness of citizen opinion expression, and this effect varies with the degree of digital transformation at the local level. Analysis of the mediating effects reveals that government responsiveness and societal fairness perceptions are crucial mechanisms explaining the relationship between the two. This study enriches the process perspective of the "government-citizen" relationship to a certain extent. Constructing a people-centered, open government will likely become a future trend in digital transformation.
    The Advantages, Difficulties, and Response Strategies of Government Governance Algorithmization in the Intelligent Era
    WEI Yuanshan
    2024, 13(4):  24. 
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    The technological benefits of algorithms support the modernisation of governmental governance systems and governance capacities in the context of today’s complex social governance requirements and decision-making environment, while also gradually pushing system-level bureaucracies toward algorithm-level bureaucracies. However, the government governance algorithmization is vulnerable to issues like rights relief and decision-making understanding difficulties, power agency and subject responsibility blurring, fairness principles, and democratic process regression due to the limitations of algorithms in the dimensions of technology, power, and society. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize the process of government governance algorithmization from the perspective of management to ensure responsible algorithmization; and from the legal perspective, the responsibilities of relevant subjects of government governance algorithmization should be clarified to ensure the algorithmic accountability; from the cultural perspective, we should strengthen ethical education and technical education, improve the public's algorithm virtue and quality, and jointly standardize the process of government governance algorithmization.
    Manufacturing Flexibility: The Organizational Ecology and Institutional Environment of Digital Governance
    SONG Kaiye
    2024, 13(4):  39. 
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    Existing research focuses on how digital governance promotes the optimization of bureaucratic organizations, without focusing on their organizational ecology. This article takes A city in M province as an example to present the organizational ecology of digital governance. Compared to bureaucratic organizations, digital governance achieves abstraction and simplification of complex public needs through the control of entrances and interfaces, thereby promoting flexible division of labor among departments around issues and needs through data and algorithms, thereby achieving the flexibility of government bureaucratic organizations in the new social institutional environment. Under these conditions, digital governance and bureaucratic organizations are nested to form a composite architecture, which combines the flexibility of digital governance and the professionalism of bureaucratic governance, promoting the optimal efficiency of the national governance system. But there is also tension between the two organizational logics: at the bureaucratic level, departmental integration may lead to data being unable to flow according to demand and being fragmented within the organization; On the one hand, the dilemma of power and responsibility in digital governance requires subordinates to seek help from higher-level departments. The creation of innovative performance in digital governance has also strengthened the governance load at the grassroots level, and the above tension has shrunk the flexibility space shaped by digital governance. The conclusion points out that the comprehensive institutional design around the digital platform system and data asset attributes is an important institutional choice to break through the dilemma of digital governance.
    Replication of Conjoint Experiments on Legal Deterrence:The Drunk Driving Legislation in China as an Example Legislation in China as an Example
    YAO Jie, SUN Tao
    2024, 13(4):  57. 
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    Effective legislation and enforcement in the area of road traffic safety has proved to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities in developed countries, yet such research has been limited in China, using driving-under-the-influence (DUI) as an example. Due to lack of high-quality data and primary research on driver decisions, the deterrent effects of DUI laws in China remain unclear, despite the criminalization of drunk driving since May 2011 and associated enforcement efforts by the government. Based on the classical theory of deterrence and recent advances in differential deterrence, this study as the third one in a series on legal deterrence, replicated a scenario-based conjoint experiment and established Hierarchical Bayes models for quantifying the unique effects of perceived certainty, swiftness, and severity of DUI punishment, as well as detecting variations in risk perceptions among general Chinese drivers. This replication study supported the usefulness of conjoint experiments for examining DUI decisions among drivers from different countries and groups, and helped for expanding the external validity of differential deterrence perspectives. It also provided conceptual and methodological insights into conducting experimental research and replication for the advancements of general public policy research in China.
    How Does the Public Perceive the Performance of Public Sectors?——Evidence From Two Large-Scale Replication Experiments
    FANG Xuemei, GAO Yuchen, FAN Yanni
    2024, 13(4):  74. 
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    The performance of public sectors has been a long-term focus of public management research. This study replicates Hvidman's experiments (2019) and conducts two experiments in China. Experiment 1 uses an investment fund providing financing services for small and medium-sized enterprises as an experimental scenario. It explores how organizational attributes (public/private) affect the public's evaluation of overall organizational performance and the moderating effect of individuals’ preexisting beliefs about the public sectors. This survey obtains 2103 valid samples. Experiment 2 takes in-home elderly care services as the experimental scenario. It examines how respondents rate a public in-home elderly care provider (compared with a private provider) on multiple performance dimensions (effectiveness, red tape, cost containment, user orientation, fairness, equity). A total of 2131 valid samples are obtained. The results show that both the public and private attributes of the organization and individual public organizational beliefs do not affect the perceived performance of the public. There is no significant difference in multi-dimensional performance perceptions between the public and private organizations. Through this replication experiments, it is found that the experimental results have strong situational dependence in different contexts in China and the West, and the boundaries of theory need to be explored.
    Improving the Adaptability of Experimental Replication in Public Administration: A Bayesian Experimental Design Framework
    WANG Siqi
    2024, 13(4):  88. 
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    In recent years, public administration experiments and their replication have become an important way to improve the generalizability of theories. However, experimental replication still faces a series of methodological issues that need to be addressed: how to effectively establish the relevance and comparability of replication with the original study? How to design and analyze replication experiments reasonably and allow for flexible adjustments? How to optimize the design to reduce sample size and cost, and to improve efficiency and effectiveness? This paper proposes a design framework based on Bayesian Experiments to provide a more adaptive path for replication of public administration experiments. Unlike Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) based on Frequency Statistics, Bayesian Experiments can, first, take background knowledge such as original research as priors and perform Bayesian updating based on data and likelihood functions. Second, the use of posterior probabilities instead of using P-values to test research hypotheses avoids problems such as P-hacking. In a sequential setting, subsequent designs can be quickly adjusted based on previous results, while ensuring comparability of results across experimental arms. It is also possible to determine the location, context, and sample for further experimental replication based on structural speculation. Finally, Bayesian experiments can be used to transform the intervention maximization problem into a "multi-armed bandit problem" in reinforcement learning by using algorithms such as as Thompson sampling to deterministically assign subjects, it could significantly reduce the sample size and experimental cost, and has a wide range of application prospects.
    Overall Effectiveness of the National Innovation System: Connotation and Framework
    MENG Fanrong, ZHANG Runqiang, CHEN Zitao
    2024, 13(4):  103. 
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    Guided by the strategic goal of accelerating the construction of a strong science and technology(S&T)country, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system(OENIS)has become one of the main concerns in the development of China's S&T innovation. This study presents the idea connotation of the OENIS from the meaning of effectiveness and overall effectiveness, based on the era background of Chinese path to modernization the theory of the national innovation system. And this study constructs an analytical framework for the OENIS from three dimensions: subject effectiveness, institutional effect, and spatial utility. Then proposes practical insights from three aspects: enhancing the benefits and capabilities of diversified innovation entities, stimulating the institutional effect of scientific and technological innovation, and enhancing the spatial utility of innovation fields. This work is highly valuable as it highlights the need of improving the OENIS in light of China's modernization strategy and offers theoretical justifications for achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and constructing a robust scientific and technological nation.
    Study on the Incentive and Constraint Mechanism of China’s Basic Pension Insurance for Urban Employees
    SHI Wenkai, DONG Keyong
    2024, 13(4):  117. 
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    During the transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, China introduced individual accounts and established a basic pension insurance system for employees that combines social pooling with individual accounts. The pursuit of incentives and efficiency is the core concept of this decision. In theory, the incentive mechanism for basic pension insurance is mainly achieved through institutional structure and operational mechanisms. The incentive intensity of the current system is already high enough and the incentive width is wide enough, but more than 20 years of practice have proven that the incentive effect of the system has not been demonstrated, and the constraint force is clearly insufficient. This is not only related to the subjective reasons of individual rationality but also deeply influenced by the objective conditions of China's economic and social development stage. From international experience, when public pension funds are in crisis, abandoning parameter reform plans and choosing privatization may seem like a shortcut, but in reality, it is a wrong path. Incentives are not the only goal, or even the main goal, of the development of the basic pension insurance system. The incentive effect that individual accounts can achieve can also be achieved through social insurance, and the key lies in institutional design rather than institutional models. Due to the fact that strengthening incentives inevitably undermines fairness, a mandatory social insurance system should not overly emphasize incentive mechanisms, but should prioritize constraint mechanisms that reflect legal obligations. From a practical perspective in China, the trend factors of population ageing, historical factors of introducing individual accounts, and institutional factors with insufficient parameter constraints jointly lead to financial unsustainable risks in the operation of the system, and also result in an 
    imbalance in the structure of the multi-pillar pension system. The prominent problem of China's basic pension insurance system is not insufficient incentives but insufficient constraints. The tools for parameter reform are far from exhausted, and it is not advisable to use the name of "incentives" to expand the size of individual accounts. In terms of reform suggestions, the basic pension insurance system should separate social pooling and individual accounts and return to the pay-as-you-go model; Strengthen legal obligations and constraint mechanisms, and achieve moderate incentive functions by improving the pension calculation methods; On the basis of improving the basic pension insurance system, we will orderly develop voluntary cumulative pension plans.
    Research on the Urban Management System in the “Rites of Zhou” and its Inheritance
    ZHENG Guo
    2024, 13(4):  128. 
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    Confucian classics are the core of Confucian cultural heritage and traditional government ideas, and are also the main carriers of traditional urban management system. The “Rites of Zhou”is the first Confucian classic that described the setup of national institutions and the division of functions systematically and completely. The content of urban management in it can be regarded as the gene of Chinese traditional system of urban management. The system of urban management in this work consisted of two aspects. To maintain the ruling order and national unity, it suggested to administer the urban and rural in different ways, and to establish hierarchical order; to manage urban society and economy development, it proposed to strengthen the management of market and business, set up household registration and the joint guarantee system and restrict population migration, etc. These systems have experienced the continuous development and improvement of the feudal dynasties and gradually became the main body of China's traditional urban management system. Systematically sorting out the system of urban management in the “Rites of Zhou” not only provides a perspective for understanding China's traditional urban management but also provides a solid foundation for building an urban management system rooted in Chinese tradition and meeting the needs of the real development.
    Enlightenment on the Distribution of Government Planning Power: A Study Based on Spatial Planning Regulations in America and Britain
    CHEN Jidong, YI Luping, ZHANG Anlu
    2024, 13(4):  139. 
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    The spatial planning network in government is formed through the interaction of spatial planning authorities at various levels and functions. Clarifying the relatively mature interaction between spatial planning authorities is conducive to providing empirical reference for the construction of spatial planning that corresponds to the context of China's landownership. The comparative research method and inductive deduction method are used in this paper to examine the regulatory systems of spatial planning in America and Britain from the perspective of power coordination. Based on specific legal provisions, the paper begins with a vertical perspective of power distribution between central and local governments, between neighboring local governments, and a horizontal perspective of power distribution between local governments at the same level, between relevant government departments. The paper examines the administrative context as well as the particular way in which legal provisions coordinate authorities across all levels of government and various departments. The basic discrepancies in the distribution structure of spatial planning power between the two nations were compared and revealed. The study discovered that the operation of spatial planning power in America and Britain is carried out through corresponding planning regulations, and the differences in power distribution are rooted in distinct national political backgrounds and administrative systems. According to the research findings, the construction and optimization of spatial planning regulations in China should be based on national conditions. It is necessary to clarify the basis for legislation and adhere to the principle of procedural fairness, also to coordinate the construction of planning power system and perfect the layout of regulating authorities by law. Ultimately, the effective implementation and operation of spatial planning should be guaranteed through valid law and competent governance.
    The Influence Of Financial Expenditure On Charitable Public Welfare Expenditure Under The Background Of Common Prosperity: Based On Evidence From Charitable Foundations In China
    SUN Jingran, HUANG Chujun
    2024, 13(4):  153. 
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    China's charitable organizations are playing an important role in the realization of common prosperity in the new era. This paper makes an in-depth study of the impact of financial expenditure level on non-profit organizations' public welfare expenditure scale, which is of great significance for understanding the relationship between government governance and non-profit organizations' public goods supply and promoting the sharing of development achievements. This paper selects the annual panel data of China's charitable foundations from 2009 to 2018 to test the logic of local government financial expenditures on charitable organizations' charitable expenditures. The findings are as follows: (1) The moderate expansion of government expenditure significantly promoted the improvement of the level of public welfare expenditure of foundations, and the results remained robust after a series of robustness tests such as substitution variables and processing outliers; (2) The positive incentive effect of financial expenditure on foundation public welfare expenditure has regional heterogeneity, that is, it significantly promotes the development of charity in central and western China, but not in eastern China; (3) Foundations with different fundraising types respond differently to the increase in financial expenditure. Compared with private foundations, public foundations are more likely to "respond" to the government's social and economic development orientation, and fiscal expenditure has a stronger incentive effect; (4) The impact mechanism test shows that fiscal expenditure increases the donation income of foundations by encouraging social charitable donation, and thus has a significant positive effect on public welfare expenditure.