Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 129-139.

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Governance of Aging Society with Chinese Characteristics: Logical Foundation and Key Tasks


  • Online:2023-01-17 Published:2023-01-13




The governance of aging society with Chinese characteristics is an important guarantee for taking the Chinese path for tacking population aging. This paper puts forward the concept of governance of aging society with Chinese characteristics and clarifies its objectives, framework and characteristics. It deeply analyzes the governance system logic of “all-round layout from concept to action” and the governance capability logic of “multiple subject participation with one core”.Then five key tasks are proposed: (1)to carry out “two combinations” in “three circles” to promote the aging system matured and finalized; (2)to promote the government innovation and build a service-oriented government for the aging society; (3)to make the responsibilities of Party and government leaders at all levels solid and fully empower grass-roots party and government workers; (4)to consolidate the grass-roots self-government of the old-age society in a political position, and promote the joint construction, governance and sharing of all parties; (5)to build an evaluation system for the governance of aging society to promote the modernization of governance through evaluation.

Key words: Chinese Characteristics, Governance of Aging Society, Governance Modernization, Logical Foundation, Key Tasks


中国式现代化既是人口规模巨大的现代化,也是老年人口规模巨大的现代化,中国特色老龄社会治理是走出积极应对人口老龄化中国道路的重要保障。本文梳理了中国特色老龄社会治理的缘起、内涵与框架,围绕 “从理念到行动全方位布局”和 “‘一核多元’全主体参与”的治理逻辑进行了深入剖析。提出了新时代中国特色老龄社会治理的重点任务: (1)分 “三圈层”开展 “两结合”,推进老龄制度走向成熟定型;(2)推进政府自我革新,建设与老龄社会相适配的服务型政府;(3)压实各级党政负责人职责,全面赋能基层党政工作者;(4)以政治站位夯实老龄社会基层自治,推进各方共建共治共享;(5)构建老龄社会治理评估体系,以评促推治理现代化。

关键词: 中国特色, 老龄社会治理, 治理现代化, 逻辑基础, 重点任务