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    17 January 2023, Volume 12 Issue 1
    On Modernization of Government Governance
    ZHANG Chengfu
    2023, 12(1):  3-18. 
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    Modernization is the process of transforming human society from traditional pattern to modern social form.The essence of modernization is the continuous improvement and transcendence of human civilization.The modernization of government governance is aprocess in which the government governance system adapts to the change of social environment,consciously promotes the system reform,and constantly improves the government governance ability and effectiveness.The driving force of modern world government modernization lies in the change of external governance environment and the tension of internal structural contradiction of government governance system.The basic goal and strategy of China's governance modernization lies in establishing and developing a modern governance system featuring people-centered democratic participation,social coordination,overall coordination,responsiveness and responsibility,openness and transparency,and adherence to the rule of law.The success of the modernization of the Chinese government needs to adhere to the guidance of Marxist thought and theory,adhere to the leadership of the Party in the modernization of government governance,adhere to the road of endogenous development and take the modernization of people as the foundation.
    Administrative Analysis of Public Value
    ZHU Qianwei
    2023, 12(1):  20-27. 
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    Public value is not only the mission and goal of public administration,the principle and standard that public administration activities should abide by,but also a method that can be used to reduce administrative transactioncosts.Public value is based on the common values of government and society.It will be helpful for the government,in terms of the interaction with the society,to improve the administrative efficiency and quality based on the institution,administrative virtue and responsibility to cultivate and enhance its own value.
    Value Co-creation in Public Governance:The Case of Integrity Building in Hong Kong
    GONG Ting
    2023, 12(1):  28-36. 
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    Since the beginning of the 21st Century,the theory and practice of new public governance has become increasingly popular. It emphasizes a pluralistic model of public management, focusing not only onresults, but also on processes,especially collaboration and value creation in public service delivery.It believes that the end results of public service delivery and the sustainability of those results do not depend entirely on the products or services provided,but more on the public’s value judgment of them.In public service provision,it is the users who determine and recognize the value and necessity of the service,including their trust in,and satisfaction with,the service.Therefore,public service provision should be a process of value co-creation by service providers and service users.This paper explores the emergence and development of valueco-creation theory,its basic arguments,and what we can draw from it.HongKong’s practice of corruption prevention is used as an example to illustrate the feasibility and necessity of valueco-creation.
    The Dimension of Time in Public Ethics
    TAN Ankui
    2023, 12(1):  37-45. 
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    The prevailing modern publice thics adopts a lateral perspective based on the interpersonal mutual constraint.It aims at timeless principles,but virtually focuses on the temporal lateral relationship.This perspective fails to capture the diachronic lasting nature of political community,and prevents us from formulating a reasonable conception of social justice due to its presumptions about the agents as adults and normal persons,and its even-Steven moral attitude in the distribution of resources.A vertical dimension of time ought to be introduced which accounts for the socio-economic achievements in terms of social accumulation and develops an ethical justification for the fairdistribution of resources based on some kind of social asset irreducible to individual performances.But this vertical dimension of time neither implies an interpretation of public ethics in the light of inter-generational relationships,nor an attempt to resolve the conceptually questionable problem of inter-generational justice.Its essence lies in a trans-temporal or atemporal perspective in public ethics which is contrary to the timeless lateral thinking.
    An Empirical Study on Dual Motivational Preference and Job Performance: The Inhibiting Effect of Civil Servants’ Red Tape Perceptions
    GUO Jinyuan, CHEN Zhixia
    2023, 12(1):  47-63. 
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    Exploring the mechanism of motivational preference affecting the performance of civil servants is of great significance to improve the incentive system of civil servants’ performance.From the perspective of self-determination theory and job demand-resource model,the matched sample was used to collect research data from 341 subordinates and 58 direct leaders,and the structural data and regression analysis were performed on the obtained matching data.The results show that the incentive preferences of service personnel have a significant positive impact on their job performance,in which the influence of intrinsic motivational preference is higher than the extrinsic motivational preference.Job satisfaction plays a mediating role between intrinsic motivational preferences and extrinsic motivational preference and job performance.Civil servants’ perceptions of red tape negatively moderate the relationship between intrinsic motivational preferences,extrinsic motivational preference and job satisfaction and motivational preferences and job performance.Based on the conclusions of the study,this study proposes some countermeasures and suggestions to improve civil servants’ performance.
    Portrait Sketch of “Grassroots Civil Servants Satisfied by the People” in the New Era
    LI Linwei, LIU Bangcheng
    2023, 12(1):  64-80. 
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    Building a large contingent of high-quality cadres is an important guarantee for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Using the key event method,this study selects 171 grassroots civil servants in the Ninth National “civil servants with people’s satisfaction” as the industry benchmark, and theoretically constructs the specific content structure of “grassroots civil servants with people’s satisfaction” in the new era based on the grounded theory to answer the typical characteristics and core performance of “grassroots civil servants with people’s satisfaction” in the Chinese scene “What is it?” the results show that “grassroots civil servants satisfied by the people” in the Chinese scenario. The content structure mainly includes four dimensions: political quality, comprehensive ability, values and service motivation, with a total of 19 characteristic elements. Among them, political quality and comprehensive ability are the surface feature, values quality is the middle feature, and service motivation is the deep-seated feature and internal driving factor. These four dimensions not only reflect the actual behavior of China’s grassroots civil servants under the background of comprehensively deepening the reform, but also based on Chinese traditional culture, bureaucratic structure and the new era governance situation, It has realized the localization exploration of civil servants competency, which has important management enlightenment and practical significance for the accurate selection and training of grassroots civil servants in the new era.
    How Working Experiences in State-owned Enterprises Influence Behavior of Bureaucrats: Empirical Evidence from Prefecture-level Officials in China
    XU Jing, LIU Zhipeng, GAO Bo
    2023, 12(1):  81-95. 
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    The early working experience of local officials will influence their subsequent administrative behaviour. Based on the relevant data of principal officials of prefecture-level cities in China from 2000 to 2015, this study investigates the impact of previous working experiences on Officials’ behaviours after taking office. This article shows that compared to municipal party secretaries without working experiences in state-owned enterprises, in secretaries’ jurisdictions who once worked in state-owned enterprises, counties are lesslikely to have female party secretaries or mayors. Further analysis shows that this effect is more significant among party secretaries with working experience in local state-owned enterprises, while the working experience in central state-owned enterprises has no significant negative effect. Besides, since 2011, the central government' s regulation on the proportion of women in local government leadership has reduced this negative effect. A possible explanation is that working experience in state-owned enterprises might make officials more focused on numerical type, extensive growth of the local economy, while women officials tend to pay more attention to some other soft development indicators. This study provides new insights for understanding the behaviour patterns of political elites and the gender composition of grassroots bureaucrats in China.
    Selection and Configuration of Policy Instruments for Business Environment Optimization: Content Analysis Based on Central-level Policy Texts
    JIANG Nan, CAO Xianqiang
    2023, 12(1):  96-113. 
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    China’s optimization of the business environment encourages local government to explore while reflecting distinctive dominant characteristics  of central government. Using content analysis, this paper analyzes 170 central-level policies on business environment optimization from 2008 to 2020 based on the perspective of policy instruments, mines 1650 policy analysis units and 16 case nodes, and places them in a two-dimensional analysis framework of “policy instrument dimension-applying area dimension”. This two-dimensional analysis framework reveals the overall picture, core connotation, and behavioral path of business environment optimization in China. It is found that the policymakers of business environment optimization are widely but loosely connected, and there are more environment-based policy tools. The policy instruments are distributed more in the areas of government services and market environment in the process of business environment optimization. According to the different degrees of government-driven, environment-shaped, and demandresponded, the selection and configuration of policy tools present three types in business environment optimization. In the future, policy formulation should further strengthen top-level design, improve communication and coordination mechanisms between departments; enrich the variety of policy tools, increase the use of information technology, enhance the selectivity and combinability of policy tools; promote the balanced allocation of policy tools in the optimization of the business environment, improve the level of adaptation between policy tools and policy objectives, accumulate experience through practical interaction between the central and local authorities, and ultimately to achieve a comprehensive optimization of the business environment.
    The Logic and Evolution of Central Environmental Inspection from the Perspectives of Institutional Complementarity—Comparing with Economic Governance
    CHEN Guiwu
    2023, 12(1):  114-128. 
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    China has witnessed a road for effective environmental governance, providing a great opportunity for understanding the Chinese institutional advantage. Based on the Central Environmental Inspection(CEI), this paper adopted an institutional complementarity perspective to explore how China is getting its institutions right in environmental governance. Results show that the design and implementation of CEI can compensate the disadvantage of laws and other institutions, and the CEI mechanism itself exhibits internal complementarity, that is, structural complementarity between politics and rule of law, functional coupling between party regulation, policy and the law, combination between vertical inspection and comprehensive supervision, and the healthy interaction between party and the state, the government and society. The formation mechanisms of institutional complementarity include the construction of history and context, changing beliefs of the party, state-level institutional experiments and learning-by-doing mechanisms.The conclusion implies that China can not only achieve economic success by hierarchical local experiments, but also manage to solve environmental problems by institutional experiments led by the state.
    Governance of Aging Society with Chinese Characteristics: Logical Foundation and Key Tasks
    WANG Yongmei, DU Peng
    2023, 12(1):  129-139. 
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    The governance of aging society with Chinese characteristics is an important guarantee for taking the Chinese path for tacking population aging. This paper puts forward the concept of governance of aging society with Chinese characteristics and clarifies its objectives, framework and characteristics. It deeply analyzes the governance system logic of “all-round layout from concept to action” and the governance capability logic of “multiple subject participation with one core”.Then five key tasks are proposed: (1)to carry out “two combinations” in “three circles” to promote the aging system matured and finalized; (2)to promote the government innovation and build a service-oriented government for the aging society; (3)to make the responsibilities of Party and government leaders at all levels solid and fully empower grass-roots party and government workers; (4)to consolidate the grass-roots self-government of the old-age society in a political position, and promote the joint construction, governance and sharing of all parties; (5)to build an evaluation system for the governance of aging society to promote the modernization of governance through evaluation.
    A Study on Incentive-constraint Mechanism of Medical Alliances in County under Global Budget Payment: A Conflict of Interest between Individual and Collective
    LI Li, ZHENG Ying
    2023, 12(1):  140-155. 
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    In order to explore the way of construction of integrated health care system, Medical Alliancesin County is one of the most important practice model in China.Global budget payment has became the core policy tool to establish the incentive-constraint mechanism to integrate the interest of stake holders.This paper discussed how to use the policy tool of global budget payment to establish an ideal incentive-constraint mechanism of medical alliances in county.Through the analysis of reform case,this paper found some problem :the stakeholders,who had strong information advantage and control,played a limited role in policy making and other parts of policy process;incentive effect should be improved,which is based on insurance balance,the medical and health service price of insurance,remuneration.It is suggested to further improve the benign consultation and communication mechanism with multiple stakeholders,and strengthen the participation of stakeholders with strong information advantages and control,such as medical staff of other member units other than the lead hospital.Deepening the“Tripartite Medical System”reform ,we will establish a pricing mechanism for medical insurance with consultation and market access,and strengthen the incentive role of medical and health service income.Based on the open and equal negotiation and consultation mechanism,a more scientific global budget and risk sharing mechanism should be established to provide benign incentives.And establish the information disclosure system and gate keeper system.
    Analysis of the Dilemma and Causes of Data Governance Institution Promoting Data Sharing Across Government Agencies: The CaseAnalysis of Two Cities in Shandong Province
    ZHAODanning, GUOXiaohui, SUNZongfeng
    2023, 12(1):  156-168. 
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    Drawing from the organizational theory,this study builds an analytical frame work for the data-sharing dilemma and conducts an analysis of the Big Data Bureau of J.City and Big Data Center of W.city.This study finds that the fragmentation of data-providing departments and the divergence of the data standard,data security,and risk avoidance,and other sharing dilemmas have different impacts on the two agencies of data governance.This is because the transaction costs between the two organizational structures varies in various institutional contexts such as the cost of data sharing,the capacity of accountability,agency benefits,and internal incentives are different for the two agencies of data governance.Dynamic changes in transaction costs lead to different results of data sharing.As a result,the policy suggestions are put forward from the perspective of organization structure and institution to enhance data sharing across government agencies.