Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 28-36.

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Value Co-creation in Public Governance:The Case of Integrity Building in Hong Kong


  • Online:2023-01-17 Published:2023-01-13

公共治理中的 “价值共创”:以香港的廉洁建设为例



Since the beginning of the 21st Century,the theory and practice of new public governance has become increasingly popular. It emphasizes a pluralistic model of public management, focusing not only onresults, but also on processes,especially collaboration and value creation in public service delivery.It believes that the end results of public service delivery and the sustainability of those results do not depend entirely on the products or services provided,but more on the public’s value judgment of them.In public service provision,it is the users who determine and recognize the value and necessity of the service,including their trust in,and satisfaction with,the service.Therefore,public service provision should be a process of value co-creation by service providers and service users.This paper explores the emergence and development of valueco-creation theory,its basic arguments,and what we can draw from it.HongKong’s practice of corruption prevention is used as an example to illustrate the feasibility and necessity of valueco-creation.

Key words: Co-production,Value Co-creation,Public Service,Corruption Prevention,HongKong’s ICAC


自21世纪以来,新公共治理的理论与实践逐渐产生影响。它注重公共管理的多元化模式,不仅强调结果,也关注过程,尤其是公共服务中的共同生产与价值共创。它认为,公共服务的最终结果以及这些结果的可持续性并不完全取决于产品或服务本身,更取决于公众对它们的评判,取决于公众的价值取向。在公共服务中,最终是由服务对象来确定和认可服务之价值及存在的必要性,包括他们对服务的信任度和满意度。因此,公共服务是一个由服务者和服务对象共创价值 (valueco-creation)的过程。本文旨在探讨价值共创理论的产生与发展、其基本观点,以及给予我们的启示,并以香港的廉政治理为例说明价值共创的可行性及必要性。

关键词: 共同生产, 价值共创, 公共服务, 腐败治理, 香港廉政公署