Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 81-95.

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How Working Experiences in State-owned Enterprises Influence Behavior of Bureaucrats: Empirical Evidence from Prefecture-level Officials in China


  • Online:2023-01-17 Published:2023-01-13




The early working experience of local officials will influence their subsequent administrative behaviour. Based on the relevant data of principal officials of prefecture-level cities in China from 2000 to 2015, this study investigates the impact of previous working experiences on Officials’ behaviours after taking office. This article shows that compared to municipal party secretaries without working experiences in state-owned enterprises, in secretaries’ jurisdictions who once worked in state-owned enterprises, counties are lesslikely to have female party secretaries or mayors. Further analysis shows that this effect is more significant among party secretaries with working experience in local state-owned enterprises, while the working experience in central state-owned enterprises has no significant negative effect. Besides, since 2011, the central government' s regulation on the proportion of women in local government leadership has reduced this negative effect. A possible explanation is that working experience in state-owned enterprises might make officials more focused on numerical type, extensive growth of the local economy, while women officials tend to pay more attention to some other soft development indicators. This study provides new insights for understanding the behaviour patterns of political elites and the gender composition of grassroots bureaucrats in China.

Key words: Behavior of Bureaucrats, Working Experiences in State-Owned Enterprises, Gender, Attention

摘要: 地方主要官员的早期工作经历会影响其后续的行政行为。本研究基于2000—2015年全国地级行政区主要官员的相关资料,搜集了历年各地级行政区下辖区县主要官员的数据进行对应分析。基于16年的面板数据,通过考察地级行政区党委书记上任前的工作经历与上任后下辖区县主要官员的特征,研究发现,有国有企业工作经历的地级行政区党委书记,其下辖区县内出现女性县级主要官员的概率显著更低,进一步分析发现,该效应在有地方国有企业工作经历的市委书记中更为显著,而中央国有企业的工作经历则不会产生显著的负向效应。此外,2011年以来,中央政府对地方政府领导班子中女性比例的规定使得该负向效应减弱。本文认为国有企业工作经历和女性下属官员任用的负向关系可能的解释机制是,国有企业工作经历使得官员更注重当地经济的数式、粗放式增长,而女性官员往往更注重科教文卫等软性发展指标,两者之间政治注意力的张力是负向关系产生的基础。本研究为探究政治精英的行为模式及基层官僚代表性的制约因素提供了新的思考。

关键词: 官员行为, 国有企业经历, 代表性官僚, 注意力