Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 21-.

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Public Concerns and Policy Representation: An Analysis of Administrative #br# #br# Policies in China from Attention Perspective#br#


  • Online:2024-05-17 Published:2024-05-06




This article focuses on the policy representation of Chinese government. It endeavors to examine the way Chinese government responds to the Public from the perspective of attention allocation. To do so, we drawn data from China's State Council Gazette (2011-2020) and built a dataset consisted of 21 policy topics. The analysis shows that: a) The government is significantly more responsive on issues associated with the Public's livelihood (such as health, education, community and housing) than on other issues. b) There is a lagged effect in the policy response to the public concerns on the agricultural issues. c) There are both spillover effect and trade-off effect regarding to the government's attention allocation. These findings are consistent with the previous scholars’ research and enrich the research of policy representation in China from an attention allocation perspective.

Key words: Public Concerns, Policy Representation, Attention, Topic , Priority, PET


本研究以注意力分配为视角,实证研究我国国务院公报 (2011—2020年)输出对民众关注度的回应,探索中国场景下公共政策回应的内在逻辑和中国特色。研究发现如下:一是议题类型对政策回应有显著影响。民众关注的民生类议题如医疗健康、教育、社会住房政策议题,较之其他议题,更容易获得政策回应。二是公共政策回应民众关注往往具有时间滞后性。在国务院公报的21类政策中,农业政策回应民众关注具有滞后性。三是政策回应民众关注过程中,还存在着注意力溢出和注意力竞争现象。由此,本研究认为我国公共政策对民众关注的回应本质上是政府决策系统吸纳民意,并按照注意力配置的优先次序对民众关注议题进行权威性政策回应的过程;有限注意力空间约束下的高回应性与回应式困境的博弈,推动着我国公共政策短期间断或长期均衡的动态变迁。

关键词: 民众关注, 公共政策回应, 注意力分配, 议题优先