Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 39-.

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Manufacturing Flexibility: The Organizational Ecology and Institutional Environment of Digital Governance


  • Online:2024-07-17 Published:2024-06-27

制造灵活性: 数字治理的组织生态及其制度环境——基于 M 省 A市的实证分析



Existing research focuses on how digital governance promotes the optimization of bureaucratic organizations, without focusing on their organizational ecology. This article takes A city in M province as an example to present the organizational ecology of digital governance. Compared to bureaucratic organizations, digital governance achieves abstraction and simplification of complex public needs through the control of entrances and interfaces, thereby promoting flexible division of labor among departments around issues and needs through data and algorithms, thereby achieving the flexibility of government bureaucratic organizations in the new social institutional environment. Under these conditions, digital governance and bureaucratic organizations are nested to form a composite architecture, which combines the flexibility of digital governance and the professionalism of bureaucratic governance, promoting the optimal efficiency of the national governance system. But there is also tension between the two organizational logics: at the bureaucratic level, departmental integration may lead to data being unable to flow according to demand and being fragmented within the organization; On the one hand, the dilemma of power and responsibility in digital governance requires subordinates to seek help from higher-level departments. The creation of innovative performance in digital governance has also strengthened the governance load at the grassroots level, and the above tension has shrunk the flexibility space shaped by digital governance. The conclusion points out that the comprehensive institutional design around the digital platform system and data asset attributes is an important institutional choice to break through the dilemma of digital governance.

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数字治理的既有研究共享的基本假设大多是数字治理对科层组织的单向作用关系,即数字治理如何促进科层组织的优化。然而,数字治理本身的组织生态没有得到学界的关注和聚焦。文章以 M 省 A市数字治理创新的历史过程为线索,呈现了数字治理的组织生态及其背后的双向运作过程。研究发现:相较于依托科层组织展开的政府运作,数字治理通过 “入口”和 “界面”控制实现了针对公众复杂需求的抽象和简化,进而通过数据与算法促进了条、块部门围绕着社会需求进行灵活分工,以此实现政府科层组织在新的社会制度环境中的灵活性。在此条件下,数字治理与科层组织相互嵌套形成一套复合架构,这一结构兼具数字治理的灵活性和科层治理的专业性,促进了国家治理体系的优效。但两种组织逻辑之间也存在一定的张力。在科层组织一端,部门统合可能导致数据无法根据需求流动并被切块在条块内部;在数字治理一端,权责困境使下级需寻求上级部门的帮助,而 “条块”围绕着数字治理创新绩效的创建过程又强化了基层的治理负荷,上述张力使数字治理塑造的灵活性空间收缩。结论指出,围绕数字平台体系与数据资产属性的综合制度设计是突破数字治理困境的重要制度选择。

关键词: 数字治理, 科层组织, 组织形态, 灵活性, 制度环境