Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 54-.

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Research on the Synergy of Sectoral Actions in Local Government's Policy Implementation Plan: Take the Blue Sky Protection Campaign as An Example#br#


  • Online:2023-03-17 Published:2023-03-10




The policy implementation plan of the local government is an important part of public affairs governance. This study starts with self-organized movements, focuses on the research on the synergetic mechanism within the policy implementation plan, selects the field of Blue Sky Protection Campaign as an example, takes 101 local governments’policy texts of Blue Sky Protection Campaign as data sources, and uses text data mining and correlation analysis methods to analyze the order parameters of departments and actions in the local government air pollution control, combined with social network analysis methods to reveal the problems existing in the synergetic mechanism, and put forward optimization suggestions from the perspective of departmental responsibilities. The results show that the self-organized movement of departments and actions within the local government can form order parameters, and the order parameters guide departments and actions to form the synergetic mechanism. The synergetic mechanism has problems due to the excessive or insufficient co-occurrence of departments and action relationships. The scientific and reasonable responsibilities of departments can give full play to the role of the synergetic mechanism and improve the governance effect in a short term and at low cost.

Key words: Blue Sky Protection Campaign, synergy, Responsibility, Order Parameters



关键词: 蓝天保卫战, 协同, 职责, 序参量