Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 71-.

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What Kinds of Officials Will be Corruption: The Evidence for the Causes of Corruption from QCA#br#


  • Online:2023-03-17 Published:2023-03-10




Corruption is an important issue in modern government governance. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has made initial progress in its anti-corruption work by " cracking down on both tigers and flies ". However, the existing domestic literature on anti-corruption cases and experience review mostly studies the causes, mechanisms and paths of corruption from non-configuration cultural, economic and political perspectives, and lacks the interpretation of corruption paths based on different kinds of complex causality. As a result, based on the multi-set configuration of QCA qualitative comparative analysis and the analysis advantage in the medium number of cases, through the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis of classic cases (fsQCA), solve the theoretical "portrait" of "what kind of officials will be corruption", and show the new configuration mechanism path for the early warning of corruption.

Key words: Curb Corruption, Cause, QCA, Configurational Theory, Different Kinds of Complex Causality


腐败问题是现代政府治理的重要命题,党的十八大以来,中国在反腐败工作上通过“抓虎拍蝇”取得了阶段性成效。但是,国内现有对反腐案例和经验回顾的文献中,多从非组态的文化视角、经济视角、政治视角研究腐败的成因、机制和路径等,较为缺乏以多重并发条件为基础的腐败路径阐释。因此,基于 QCA定性比较分析的多集合组态和在中等案例数的分析优势,本研究通过对经典案例的模糊集定性比较分析 (fsQCA),解决 “什么样的官员容易腐败”的理论 “画像”,为预警腐败展示新的组态机制路径。结果表明: (1)权力制约不足仍然是官员腐败的重要诱因;(2)官商关系 “失控”且权力制约度弱的时候腐败发生的可能性较高;(3)官员的晋升预期低时,官商关系和决策权的共同作用下容易发生腐败。

关键词: 反腐败, 成因, 组态分析, 多重并发条件