Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 16-.

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How does "Digital Government" Affect the Integration of New Citizens:Test #br# #br# based on thousands of Data from 163 Cities#br#


  • Online:2023-05-17 Published:2023-05-11

“数字政府” 何以影响新市民城市融入性——基于 163 个地级以上城市千份数据的检#br# #br# 验#br#

WEI Jifei,WANG Yaru,TANG Lingbo   


Using the re-centralization response Model and based on the survey micro data, this paper analyzes the impact of digital government and its dimensions on the urban integration of new citizens. The results show that the total effect of digital government on new citizens' urban integration is 0.438, which exceeds 0.304 of individual characteristics and  0.335 of family characteristics, which constitutes one of the three factors affecting new citizens' urban integration; Among the seven dimensions of digital government, the economic dimension has the largest effect value (0.081), followed by the benefit dimension (0.067). The impact of various dimensions of digital government on the three aspects of urban integration shows a staggered and cross lattice order, and shows significant heterogeneity in urban, ethnic and intergenerational differences.Based on this, the research puts forward strategic suggestions such as upgrading digital government, mining new digital functions and cultivating new citizens' digital literacy.

Key words: Digital government, New citizens, Urban integration


利用分层线性模型及复中心化响应分解技术,结合第三方评估数据和调研微观数据,将数字政府解析为 “数字能力构成”与 “数字效能控制”两方面,分析其在新型城镇化进程中对新市民城市融入性的影响作用,拓展了数字政府与新型城镇化关系的新研究窗口。结果显示,数字政府两方面具叠加效应,对新市民城市融入性的总效应贡献达 0.438,占纳入因素总效应值的28.8%,超过了个体特征的0.304、家庭特征的0.335,占据了数字经济时代背景下新市民城市融入性影响因素的鼎立三足之首;数字政府七个衡量维度中,经济性维度的效应贡献值最大(0.081),并列第二的是效益性维度和服务响应能力 (0.067),即数字服务能力固然重要,但效能的发挥更具深远意义;数字政府各维度对城市融入性三大方面的影响呈现出错位交叉、整体与部分相互渗透的格序,并在城市类别差异、民族差异、户源差异、代际差异等呈现出显著异质性特征。基于此,研究提出升格数字政府、挖掘数字新功能、强化效能、培育新市民数字素养等策略建议。

关键词: 数字政府, 新市民, 城市融入性