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    17 May 2023, Volume 12 Issue 3
    Government Resource Base, Attention Distribution and Government Microblog #br# #br# Performance#br#
    FAN Bo, GU Hengxuan
    2023, 12(3):  4. 
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    With the continuous development of government digital transformation, government microblog has become an important tool for local governments to open government affairs and strengthen the interaction between government and people. Although the number of government microblog shows an explosive growth trend, there are problems such as uneven effect levels and large development gap in various cities. In terms of the influencing factors of government microblog performance, the existing research ignores the influence of the key factor of government attention distribution. Based on the perspective of government attention and resource-based theory, gathered the country's 229 cities as government weibo data and policies, the conference issued, using OLS and subsample OLS analysis of the government attention, government resources and government capacity to the performance of 
    government microblog input and output. The results show that the allocation of government attention, the level of financial health and the capacity to absorb resources have a significant positive impact on the input and output performance of local government weibo. In cities with weak digital capability, the performance of government weibo depends more on the financial resources richness and financial health level.
    How does "Digital Government" Affect the Integration of New Citizens:Test #br# #br# based on thousands of Data from 163 Cities#br#
    2023, 12(3):  16. 
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    Using the re-centralization response Model and based on the survey micro data, this paper analyzes the impact of digital government and its dimensions on the urban integration of new citizens. The results show that the total effect of digital government on new citizens' urban integration is 0.438, which exceeds 0.304 of individual characteristics and  0.335 of family characteristics, which constitutes one of the three factors affecting new citizens' urban integration; Among the seven dimensions of digital government, the economic dimension has the largest effect value (0.081), followed by the benefit dimension (0.067). The impact of various dimensions of digital government on the three aspects of urban integration shows a staggered and cross lattice order, and shows significant heterogeneity in urban, ethnic and intergenerational differences.Based on this, the research puts forward strategic suggestions such as upgrading digital government, mining new digital functions and cultivating new citizens' digital literacy.
    Can Internet Use Affect Citizens' Satisfaction with Public Services?--A Typological Analysis Based on Information Preference and Gatekeeping Mechanism #br#
    LIN Jianpeng, LV Wenxin
    2023, 12(3):  36. 
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    With the development of information technology, the Internet has built a new public sphere, which has profoundly impacted Chinese society and politics. It is of great significance to study whether Internet use affects citizens' satisfaction with public services. This paper constructs a typological analysis framework for Internet information patterns based on information preference and gatekeeping mechanism dimensions. It empirically tests the relationship between Internet usage patterns and citizens' satisfaction with public services using the data of the Chinese Social Survey 2019. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: the " entertaining orientation - decentralized gatekeeping" model has a significant negative impact on satisfaction with public service, but the effect of the " political orientation - centralized gatekeeping" model is not significant. The 
    conclusion remains robust after dealing with endogeneity issues. Based on further applying the CMP method to deal with the endogeneity problem, the robustness test is carried out by adjusting the variable types of Internet use and refining the classification of public services, and the conclusion still holds. This paper deconstructs and responds to the existing debates on 
    the positive promotion theory and opposing inhibition theory of Internet usage, and provides policy recommendations for improving citizens' satisfaction with public services.
    Can E-government Improve the Efficiency of "Local-neighbor" Government Governance? --Evidence from the "County-level Government Government Affairs Disclosure and Government Service Pilot"#br#
    WANG Yewei, WANG Jie
    2023, 12(3):  54. 
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    Accelerating the development of e-government and optimizing government services are new tools to promote government innovation. Based on the quasi-natural experiment that county-level government affairs disclosure and government service pilot, this paper constructs a spatial double-difference model (SDID) to investigate the direct effect and spillover effect of e-government on the efficiency of "local-neighbor" government governance. Furthermore, this paper explains the internal mechanism from the dual dimensions of control, accountability and service improvement. The results show that the e-government can significantly improve the efficiency of "local-neighbor" government governance. The effect of e-government on governance efficiency has typical heterogeneity in the dimension of institutional environment, administrative hierarchy and geographical division. Government affairs disclosure, interactive response and online services are the key paths for e-government to improve the efficiency of ocal governance. The peer effect of inter-regional e-government development is an important spillover mechanism for the simultaneous improvement of the governance efficiency of neighboring governments. The research conclusions of this paper are helpful to deeply understand the influence mechanism of e-government on my country's government governance efficiency, and provide policy suggestions for the improvement of governance efficiency.
    Evolution Analysis of Rural Collective Participation in Land Appreciation Income during the Process of Industrialization and Urbanization:Evidence from Non-agricultural Use of Land
    WANG Jue, MA Xianlei, SHI Xiaoping
    2023, 12(3):  70. 
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    Since the establishment of rural collective ownership in the late 1950s, rural land appreciation income sharing has gradually shifted to the negotiation, communication and transaction during farmers, community (collectives), local government and central government, with multiple subjects participating in benefit sharing. In this process, what benefits did collectives gain? What is the basis of property rights for collectives to acquire appreciation income sharing? The existing research on the reform of the rural property rights system mostly stays at the static level, which lacks a dynamic analysis of the system’s formation and transformation process within the group. In addition, the existing studies have not combed and summarized the land appreciation income sharing rules changes in the process of rural land system reform from the macro level, lacking focus on the special subject of collectives. However, in sharp contrast to the weak academic research is the huge amount of land appreciation income generated in the process of industrialization and urbanization caused more and more social conflicts. In recent years, emerging economic theories such as behavioral economics believe that individual cognition is an important internal source of the system, and advocate understanding the process of system change from the perspective of individual cognition. Therefore, this study firstly attempts to combine heterogeneous individual cognition with rule change, constructing a multi-level dynamic evolution analysis framework from individual cognition to the external rules with evolutionary thinking. Secondly, this study analyzes the institutional change process of land appreciation income sharing system, which combines with the land system reform practice in China. The results show that collectives and peasants play important roles in the evolution process, because under the external environment, their individual cognition forms the internal rules based on their own interests. The government’s selective acceptance and "promising" design have facilitated the harmonious interaction between external rules and internal rules and formed institutional changes. In general, the appreciation income share is gradually inclined to the peasants. And in this process, the identity of collective becomes more diversified, not only the owner of land, but also providing service and gaming with government. At the same time, the source of appreciation income becoming more abundant. In terms of future trends, institutional change requires the change in the external environment as an opportunity to stimulate the expression of individual cognition, and institutional changes will evolve toward improving rights and increasing income of collective and peasant. However, not all internal rules will be converted into external rules. Only under the premise of not threatening the urban land market and guaranteeing the interests of the government, the government will coordinate external rules, gradually decentralize and make profits, and finally realize institutional changes.
    Institutional Innovation of Public Housing Provision at the Era of Urban Renewal:Evidence from Shuiwei Village in Shenzhen#br#
    YU Yang, WAN Chengwei, JIAO Yongli, YE Yumin
    2023, 12(3):  86. 
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    Solving housing issue in large cities has become an important national strategy. This paper focuses on the significant issue of 
    institutional innovation of public housing provision in the era of urban renewal. First, we summarize the three main predicaments that the traditional public housing provision models currently face. Then, from the perspective of polycentric governance, the case of Shuiwei Village Renewal Project in Shenzhen is analyzed in detail and how it can resolve such predicaments effectively has been discussed. Finally, we bring forward some policy suggestions to other Chinese cities in addressing the housing issue.
    The possibility of the planning——An analytical perspective based on national functions and knowledge types
    Tang Lihua, Zhen Guo
    2023, 12(3):  101. 
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    Planning is a wider use of public management means and methods, at the same time, the role of planning can play a different role, there is a planning can play an important role and planning inevitable failure of the two opposite views. How to scientific understanding of the planning? What is the internal mechanism of planning ? This paper, starting from the subject  and the object of planning, established the analysis framework of "function- knowledge" based on the function of the main body of planning and the knowledge type needed by the planning  object. It distinguishes four kinds of planning types. The research tries to enrich the cognition of planning and make the planning "something is not". In order to ensure the actual effect of the planning, a new understanding angle is put forward。
    Leadership Coalition System: Reverse Contracting of Difficult Matters at Grass-roots Level: Analysis of Complaint Reporting Work in Q City L District#br#
    WANG Yinhong, HAO Benliang
    2023, 12(3):  111. 
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    In the face of increasingly complex social governance tasks, the traditional bureaucratic government has shown deficiencies in dealing with difficult, trans-boundary issues, which urgently needs to be supplemented by institutional innovation adapted to the current governance scene in China. This paper explores the characteristics and governance mechanism of the leadership alliance system by taking the settlement of the outstanding cases of the VETERANS Affairs Bureau in Q City L District as the starting point. It is found that the Leadership Coalition System has the institutional characteristics of reverse transmission of governance responsibility, upward transmission of governance tasks, and political potential energy to social governance. Together with Pressure System, it forms a closed loop system of upward and downward transmission of governance pressure, ensuring stable and controllable governance pressure at the grass-roots level. It expands the governance capacity of grassroots government departments by relying on the responsibility mechanism of "layer upon layer", the information mechanism of "direct access to grassroots", the organizational mechanism of "upper and lower consultation", the resource mechanism of "coordination and redistribution" and the fine mechanism of "one case and one policy". The leadership alliance system is an institutional channel for the superior leaders to participate in grassroots governance, which provides a new perspective for observing and understanding the logic of Local governance in China.
    Research on Triggering Mechanism of Internet Rumors in Public Emergencies: csQCA Analysis Based on 40 Cases#br#
    LI Wanlian, ZENG Feng
    2023, 12(3):  124. 
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    The problem of online rumors has been a hot and difficult point in academic research, especially after the occurrence of public emergencies. Clarifying the triggering mechanism of online rumors in public emergencies is the basis for reducing rumors. Based on the three dimensions of information source, information channel and information audience in information dissemination theory, 7 antecedent conditions are extracted by qualitative comparative analysis method. The truth table composed of 40 selected cases is imported into fs/QCA3.0 software to form conditional configuration relationship. It is found that interest demands become the necessary factor for triggering online rumors, and the configuration paths of "information channel-information audience" consensus lack and "information source-information audience" resonance effect constitute the main triggering scenes of online rumors. The differences between government and media in playing roles and presenting methods are the internal inducements for triggering online rumors.Therefore, the governance of online rumors should expand the expression channels of netizens' wishes and simplify the network appeal link; Grasp the realistic scene triggered by online rumors and pay attention to differentiated coping logic; Clarify the role orientation of the government and the media, and realize the benign interaction between them.
    Community Governance Involution:A Perspective of Knowledge Growth
    PENG Zongfeng
    2023, 12(3):  138. 
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    What is the local legitimacy of the concept of community governance involution,is a question needs to think consciously and carefully.From the social and historical reflection perspective,the involution is a concept which reflects the tradition,the west modernization and the anticipatory independent innovation paradox.The decentralized application process of the involution concept in the domestic area of community governance, is also a constructive procedure of the local knowledge paradigm of the community governance involution.This procedure revolves around the possibility of the realistic humanism innovation and expands to four kinds of knowledge models as below, community governance involution as administrativization,privatization,segmentation and disability.From the overall knowledge reconstruction perspective, the local knowledge paradigm of the community governance involution is a knowledge system which about the possibility of the realistic humanism innovation of the co-governance model  of community governance based on reflections of the tradition,the west modernization and the anticipatory independent innovation paradox in the context of transition and reform.It opens the way for the local knowledge paradigm and co-governance model of the community governance. 
    Conjoint Experiments in Public Administration Research: Literature Review, Rationale, and Outcome Implementation#br#
    CHEN Guoliang, ZHANG Shuwei, CHEN Wenna
    2023, 12(3):  152. 
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    The wave of conjoint experiment research has been rising in top-tier international public administration journals, tapping the great application potential of conjoint experiments. However, domestic public administration scholars pay little attention to the conjoint experimental method. The lack of application of the conjoint experiment restricts its promotion and dampens disciplinary communication and cooperation internationally. This study conducts a descriptive literature review of 62 conjoint experimental studies published in the mainstream public administration journals, revealing their publication trends, topics of interest, content characteristics, authors' region affiliation, and technical details. Subsequently, this study introduces the rationale and characteristics of conjoint experiment, as well as its application conditions related to the type of dependent variable and the numbers and levels of independent variable. Next, this study demonstrates the execution of conjoint experiments in R language through two examples. In the end, this study offers insights into the application prospect of conjoint experiments in public administration.