Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 36-.

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Can Internet Use Affect Citizens' Satisfaction with Public Services?--A Typological Analysis Based on Information Preference and Gatekeeping Mechanism #br#


  • Online:2023-05-17 Published:2023-05-11




With the development of information technology, the Internet has built a new public sphere, which has profoundly impacted Chinese society and politics. It is of great significance to study whether Internet use affects citizens' satisfaction with public services. This paper constructs a typological analysis framework for Internet information patterns based on information preference and gatekeeping mechanism dimensions. It empirically tests the relationship between Internet usage patterns and citizens' satisfaction with public services using the data of the Chinese Social Survey 2019. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: the " entertaining orientation - decentralized gatekeeping" model has a significant negative impact on satisfaction with public service, but the effect of the " political orientation - centralized gatekeeping" model is not significant. The 
conclusion remains robust after dealing with endogeneity issues. Based on further applying the CMP method to deal with the endogeneity problem, the robustness test is carried out by adjusting the variable types of Internet use and refining the classification of public services, and the conclusion still holds. This paper deconstructs and responds to the existing debates on 
the positive promotion theory and opposing inhibition theory of Internet usage, and provides policy recommendations for improving citizens' satisfaction with public services.

Key words: Internet Use, Public Service Citizens' Satisfaction, Information , Dissemination, Politicization, Gatekeeper ,


随着信息技术的发展,互联网构筑了新的公共领域,对中国的社会与政治产生了深远的影响,研究互联网使用能否影响公共服务满意度具有重要意义。论文基于信息偏好和把关机制维度构建互联网使用的 “偏好 把关”模式类型学分析框架,采用2019年中国社会状况综合调查数据实证检验了互联网使用与公共服务满意度之间的关系。研究发现:“娱乐导向 分散式把关”模式显著负向影响公共服务满意度,但 “政治导向 集中式把关”模式的影响并不显著。在进一步运用CMP方法处理内生性问题的基础上,通过调整互联网使用的变量类型和细化公共服务分类进行稳健性检验,结论依然成立。论文解构和回应了已有互联网正向促进论和负向抑制论的争论,并为提高公共服务满意度提供了政策启示。

关键词: 互联网使用, 公共服务满意度, 信息传播, “政治化”, 把关人