Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 111-.

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Leadership Coalition System: Reverse Contracting of Difficult Matters at Grass-roots Level: Analysis of Complaint Reporting Work in Q City L District#br#


  • Online:2023-05-17 Published:2023-05-11

领导包联制: 基层疑难事项治理的逆向发包—— 基于 Q 市 L 区积案化解工作的分析



In the face of increasingly complex social governance tasks, the traditional bureaucratic government has shown deficiencies in dealing with difficult, trans-boundary issues, which urgently needs to be supplemented by institutional innovation adapted to the current governance scene in China. This paper explores the characteristics and governance mechanism of the leadership alliance system by taking the settlement of the outstanding cases of the VETERANS Affairs Bureau in Q City L District as the starting point. It is found that the Leadership Coalition System has the institutional characteristics of reverse transmission of governance responsibility, upward transmission of governance tasks, and political potential energy to social governance. Together with Pressure System, it forms a closed loop system of upward and downward transmission of governance pressure, ensuring stable and controllable governance pressure at the grass-roots level. It expands the governance capacity of grassroots government departments by relying on the responsibility mechanism of "layer upon layer", the information mechanism of "direct access to grassroots", the organizational mechanism of "upper and lower consultation", the resource mechanism of "coordination and redistribution" and the fine mechanism of "one case and one policy". The leadership alliance system is an institutional channel for the superior leaders to participate in grassroots governance, which provides a new perspective for observing and understanding the logic of Local governance in China.

Key words: Leadership Coalition System, Tasks Contracted, Accountability , Mechanisms, The Reverse Solving


传统科层制政府面对日益复杂的社会治理任务,显现出应对疑难、复杂治理事项的不足,迫切需要适应于当前中国治理场景的制度创新予以补充。本文以 Q 市 L区退役军人事务局积案化解工作为切入口,展现了党政领导参与社会治理的创新实践———领导包联制,探究了其制度特征和治理机制。研究发现:领导包联制具有治理责任逆向传导、治理任务向上发包、政治势能赋能社会治理的制度特征,与压力型体制共同构成治理压力上下传导的闭环体系,确保基层治理压力稳定可控。其依托 “层层嵌套”的责任机制、 “直入基层”的信息机制、 “上下协商”的组织机制、“协调重配”的资源机制以及 “一事一策”的精细化机制拓展了基层政府部门的治理能力。领导包联制是上级领导参与基层治理的制度通道,它为观察和理解中国本土治理逻辑提供了又一新的视角。

关键词: 领导包联制, 任务承包, 责任机制, 逆向求解