Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 124-.

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Research on Triggering Mechanism of Internet Rumors in Public Emergencies: csQCA Analysis Based on 40 Cases#br#


  • Online:2023-05-17 Published:2023-05-11

公共突发事件网络谣言触发机制研究——基于 40 个案例的 csQCA 分析



The problem of online rumors has been a hot and difficult point in academic research, especially after the occurrence of public emergencies. Clarifying the triggering mechanism of online rumors in public emergencies is the basis for reducing rumors. Based on the three dimensions of information source, information channel and information audience in information dissemination theory, 7 antecedent conditions are extracted by qualitative comparative analysis method. The truth table composed of 40 selected cases is imported into fs/QCA3.0 software to form conditional configuration relationship. It is found that interest demands become the necessary factor for triggering online rumors, and the configuration paths of "information channel-information audience" consensus lack and "information source-information audience" resonance effect constitute the main triggering scenes of online rumors. The differences between government and media in playing roles and presenting methods are the internal inducements for triggering online rumors.Therefore, the governance of online rumors should expand the expression channels of netizens' wishes and simplify the network appeal link; Grasp the realistic scene triggered by online rumors and pay attention to differentiated coping logic; Clarify the role orientation of the government and the media, and realize the benign interaction between them.

Key words: Internet Rumors,Public Emergencies, csQCA, Information , Transmission


网络谣言问题一直是学界研究的热点和难点,尤其是公共突发事件中网络谣言的消减应对。厘清公共突发事件网络谣言的触发机制是消减谣言的基础。本文采用定性比较分析方法,基于信息传播理论中的信息来源、信息渠道和信息受众三个维度提取出七个前因条件,将筛选的40个案例构成的真值表导入fs/QCA3.0软件形成条件组态关系。研究发现利益诉求成为网络谣言触发的必要性因子、“信息渠道 信息受众”共识缺乏型和 “信息来源 信息受众”共鸣效应型组态路径构成网络谣言主要触发场景、政府和媒体在角色扮演和呈现方式上的差异是网络谣言触发的内在诱因。网络谣言治理要扩展网民意愿的表达渠道,简化利益诉求表达环节;把握网络谣言触发的现实场景,注重差异化应对逻辑;明确政府和媒体的角色定位,实现两者的良性互动。

关键词: 公共突发事件, 网络谣言, csQCA, 信息传递