公共管理与政策评论 ›› 2025, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 38-.

• 专题研讨1 • 上一篇    下一篇

“硬协调” 与 “软协调”: 县级部门间关系的形成逻辑及协调机制——基于浙江省L区的案例研究


  • 出版日期:2025-01-17 发布日期:2025-01-07

“Hard Coordination” and “Soft Coordination” : The Formation Logic and Coordination Mechanism of the Relationship between County-Level Departments——A Case study of L District in Zhejiang Province#br#

  • Online:2025-01-17 Published:2025-01-07


如何增强部门间整合与合作,是县域治理的难点。当前,受科层制与条块体制影响,我国县级部门的碎片化问题较为突出,难以满足基层治理事务的综合性需求。围绕县级中心工作的开展,县级部门间的互动频繁,这为本文研究部门间关系提供了一扇观察窗口。根据不同部门对于资源的支配和依赖程度,将县级部门分为四种类型:资源强支配强依赖型、资源强支配弱依赖型、资源弱支配强依赖型和资源弱支配弱依赖型。部门间基于资源及权力的长期互动建立了稳定的部门关系,而不同关系叠加形成了圈层化的 “主导 边缘”部门关系网络。处于主导位置的部门为强势部门,处于边缘位置的部门则为弱势部门。研究发现,部门关系存在两种协调机制,即 “硬协调”机制与 “软协调”机制,二者在协调的主体、资源基础、手段和效果等方面都存在较大差异。部门协调机制有效化解了基层治理体制与治理事务需求之间的矛盾,提高了基层治理体制的适应能力。

关键词: 县域治理, 部门关系, “硬协调”, “软协调”


It is the difficulty of county governance to strengthen the integration and cooperation of inter-departmental relationships. At present, affected by the bureaucracy and Tiao-kuai system, the fragmentation of county-level departments in China is more prominent, which is difficult to meet the comprehensive needs of grass-roots governance affairs. The work carried out focusing on the county-level center and the frequent interaction between the county-level departments provide an observation window for the study of the relationship between the departments. According to the degree of resource domination and dependence of different departments, county-level departments are divided into four types: strong resource control and strong dependence, strong resource control and weak dependence, weak resource control and strong dependence, and weak resource control and weak resource dependence. A stable departmental relationship was established among departments based on the long-term interaction of resources and power, and the superposition of different relationships eventually forms a circular "dominant - marginal" departmental relationship network. The dominant department is the strong department, and the marginal department is the weak department. It was found that there are two coordination mechanisms in departmental relationships, namely “hard coordination” mechanism and “soft coordination” mechanism, which differ greatly in the main body, resource base, means and effect of coordination. The departmental coordination mechanism effectively resolved the contradiction between the grass-roots governance system and the needs of governance affairs, and improved the adaptability of the grass-roots governance system. 

Key words: County-level Governance, Departmental Relationship, “Hard Coordination”, “Soft Coordination”