Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 138-.

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Community Governance Involution:A Perspective of Knowledge Growth


  • Online:2023-05-17 Published:2023-05-11

社区治理内卷化: 一种知识增长的视角



What is the local legitimacy of the concept of community governance involution,is a question needs to think consciously and carefully.From the social and historical reflection perspective,the involution is a concept which reflects the tradition,the west modernization and the anticipatory independent innovation paradox.The decentralized application process of the involution concept in the domestic area of community governance, is also a constructive procedure of the local knowledge paradigm of the community governance involution.This procedure revolves around the possibility of the realistic humanism innovation and expands to four kinds of knowledge models as below, community governance involution as administrativization,privatization,segmentation and disability.From the overall knowledge reconstruction perspective, the local knowledge paradigm of the community governance involution is a knowledge system which about the possibility of the realistic humanism innovation of the co-governance model  of community governance based on reflections of the tradition,the west modernization and the anticipatory independent innovation paradox in the context of transition and reform.It opens the way for the local knowledge paradigm and co-governance model of the community governance. 

Key words: Community Governance Involution, Knowledge Growth, Realistic , Humanism, Innovation


社区治理内卷化概念的本土合法性何在,是一个需要自觉审慎加以思考的问题。从一种社会历史反思的角度看,内卷化是一个反思传统、反思西方现代化和反思预期性自主创新悖论的概念,其在国内社区治理领域中的分散化应用过程,其实也是社区治理内卷化本土知识范式的塑造过程。这个过程以 “追问符合实际的人本主义的创新何以可能”的内卷化概念深层意蕴为轴心,展开为 “作为行政化的社区治理内卷化”“作为私利化的社区治理内卷化”“作为区隔化的社区治理内卷化”和 “作为失能化的社区治理内卷化”四种知识模型。而从一种知识整体重构的角度看,社区治理内卷化的本土知识范式其实是,在一种转型和改革的情境中,立足于反思传统、反思西方现代化以及反思预期性自主创新悖论的基础之上,围绕着追问符合本土实际的人本主义的共治型社区治理模式创新何以可能议题所形成的知识体系。这种知识体系以深层追问的方式为构建社区治理的本土知识范式和共治型治理模式开辟道路。

关键词: 社区治理内卷化, 知识增长, 符合实际的人本主义, 创新