Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 86-.

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Institutional Innovation of Public Housing Provision at the Era of Urban Renewal:Evidence from Shuiwei Village in Shenzhen#br#


  • Online:2023-05-17 Published:2023-05-11



Abstract: Solving housing issue in large cities has become an important national strategy. This paper focuses on the significant issue of 

institutional innovation of public housing provision in the era of urban renewal. First, we summarize the three main predicaments that the traditional public housing provision models currently face. Then, from the perspective of polycentric governance, the case of Shuiwei Village Renewal Project in Shenzhen is analyzed in detail and how it can resolve such predicaments effectively has been discussed. Finally, we bring forward some policy suggestions to other Chinese cities in addressing the housing issue.

Key words: Public Housing Provision, Urban Renewal, Polycentric Governance, , Institutional Innovation, Shuiwei Village


“解决好大城市住房突出问题,大力增加保障性租赁”已经成为国家重要政策方向。本文以深圳水围村改造项目为案例,探讨适应存量时代的大城市公共租赁住房供给模式创新机制。论文总结了传统二元化公共住房供给模式面临的财政、土地与治理 “三重困境”,分析深圳水围创新机制与经验,讨论如何构建公共租赁住房供给与城中村改造的联动机制,破解三重困境。最后,提出三个政策建议:公共住房供给由增量模式转向存量模式、创建城中村更新市场、完善城中村更新的行政审批流程和技术规范标准。

关键词: 公共租赁住房, 城中村改造, 多中心治理, 机制创新, 深圳水围村