Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 47-.

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Does Public Perception of Governance Performance Increase Public Participation in Environmental Protection? --Dual Evidence from Fuzhou Black-odor Water Surveys and Online Appeal Data#br#


  • Online:2023-09-17 Published:2023-09-05




The era of the Internet has broadened the channels for citizens to participate in environmental governance, providing favorable conditions for observing the relationship between subjective perceptions of government performance and public participation. Does the public’s perception of government performance in black-odor waters governance affect their environmental participation? And through which channels and mechanisms of action does the perception of government performance in governance have an impact? This article empirically examines these questions based on 412 valid field questionnaires and 1202 online hotline inquiries. It is found that the perception of government environmental governance performance significantly increases the probability of citizens’ environmental participation, in which individual norms play a mediating role. Under the framework of the original theory of planned behavior, this paper introduces two emotional component variables, pollution perception and political trust, for residents. It is found that groups with strong pollution perceptions are more reluctant to participate in black-odor waters treatment, and good perceptions of government governance performance can effectively mitigate this negative effect. Political trust, on the other hand, mainly constrains individual public norms by way of constructing intrinsic constraints to increase the probability of environmental participation among pro-environmentalist groups. The benchmarking results are also re-evaluated using online appeal texts. The empirical results of this paper provide empirical evidence on how to introduce psychological tools in public management practice to improve public environmental participation behavior.

Key words: Government Governance Performance Perception, Individual Norms, , Environmental Participation Behavior, Pollution Perception, Political Trust, , Citizen Appeals


网络时代的到来拓宽了市民参与环境治理的渠道,为观察政府绩效的主观感知与公共参与度之间的关系提供了有利条件。公众对政府黑臭水体治理的绩效感知是否影响其环保参与度?政府治理绩效感知又通过哪些渠道与作用机制产生影响? 文章基于412份有效实地调查问卷和1202条网络热线问政数据对上述问题进行实证检验。研究发现,政府环境治理绩效感知显著提升市民的环保参与概率,个体规范在其中起到中介作用;在原有的计划行为理论框架下,本文引入了居民污染感知和政治信任两个情感成分变量,发现污染感知强烈的群体越不愿意参与黑臭水体治理,良好的政府治理绩效感知可以有效缓解这种负向影响;政治信任则主要通过构建内在约束机制的方式约束公众个体规范,提高亲环境主义群体的环保参与概率。本文还利用网络诉求文本再次论证了基准结果。本文的实证结果为如何在公共管理实践中引入心理学工具提高公众环保参与程度提供了经验证据。

关键词: 政府治理绩效感知, 个体规范, 环保参与行为, 污染感知, 政治信任, 公民诉求