Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (6): 138-.

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An Analysis of the Validity of Defective Policy Commitments


  • Online:2023-11-17 Published:2023-11-17




 Bringing policy commitments into the rule of law is a necessary path to optimizing the business environment, and it is of great significance to analyze the effectiveness of defective policy commitments. A defective policy commitment is one that is unreasonable or imperfect in terms of content or form, thereby calling into question its legal validity. In the face of the “practice” of unlawful policy promises, the judiciary has shifted from deliberate avoidance to recognizing the violation of the law and requiring the government to take ex post facto remedial measures, so that it is appropriate to shift to the application of the “doctrine of diminution of punishment” in the event that the government subsequently penalizes the counterparty who has relied on the unlawful policy promises of the government. In the current jurisprudence, legal norms that regulate the internal relations
of the government, such as approvals, do not automatically generate policy commitments, whereas meeting minutes, which are in line with the “theory of governmental responsibility” and the “theory of the clarity of rights and obligations”, can automatically generate policy commitments and produce effects between administrative subjects and administrative counterparts. In order to resolve the differences in the understanding of the content of the initial policy commitment and the subsequent changes in the commitment, and to avoid the government??s “arbitrary interpretation” on the grounds of administrative superiority, there is a need to shift from a “public interest-oriented” to an “administrative counterparty interest-oriented” interpretation of the defective policy commitment. There are two views on the validity of oral policy commitments, namely, “denial” and “proof”, while “denial”has become the mainstream view that the written form is a statutory requirement and an inevitable trend in the shift towards the rule of law for policy commitments.

Key words: Policy Commitments, Business Environment, Meeting Minutes, Interest Orientation of Administrative Counterpart



关键词: 政策承诺, 营商环境, 会议纪要, 行政相对人利益导向