Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (6): 96-.

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How do Welfare Regimes Influence Welfare Attitudes?—Analysis on the Regime Effect andTransmission of Welfare Regimes froma Global Perspective


  • Online:2023-11-17 Published:2023-11-17




Welfare attitudes are the “barometer” of social policy. Since the end of the 1990s, a wave of social policy reform has been sweeping the world. In this context, this paper focuses on how welfare regimes influence welfare attitudes. Based on the Integrated Values Surveys from 2005 2009 and 2017 2020, this paper aims to uncover the effect and transmission of typical welfare regimes by constructing a multilevel generalized structural equation model. The findings are as follows:First, with a series of controlled macro and micro factors, different welfare regimes lead to the differences in people??s welfare attitudes. Second, gender equality plays a suppressing or even replacing role in the influence of welfare regimes on welfare attitudes. Third, the reinforcement effect of welfare regimes is heterogeneous among different classes of humans, and is more obvious in countries or regions with a small gap between rich and poor. Fourth, the welfare attitudes of the Chinese are similar to those of people in the countries and regions of East Asian welfare regime.

Key words: Welfare Attitudes, Welfare Regimes, Gender Equality, Suppressing Effect



关键词: 福利态度, 福利体制, 性别平等观, 遮掩效应