Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 126-.

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Beleaguered Actor: Grass-roots Government’s Strategies of Petition Governance under the New Technology Environment-- Based on the Case Study of H City and W Town#br#


  • Online:2023-09-17 Published:2023-09-05

被围困的行动者: 新技术嵌入下基层政府信访治理的运作——基于 H 市 W 镇的案例研究



In recent years, mayor's hotline is increasingly integrated with big data and intelligent technology, which has an increasing impact on the governance of petition. While improving the efficiency and transparency of petition, new technologies have an unexpected siege effect on grassroots governments, and insufficient attention has been paid to this problem. This paper takes the case of W Town government setting up the town-level hotline under the petition pressure brought by the mayor's hotline and finally fails as the research object, and takes the actor structure in the application of technology as the logic to deeply reveal the multiple siege of the grass-roots government caused by new technology and the action strategies under such siege. In the unbalanced actor structure, the grass-roots government has to face the responsibility following mechanism of the superior government, the cross-departmental pressure gathering mechanism and the cross-level appeal transmission mechanism of the grass-roots people in the process of petition. Under the effect of these besieged mechanisms, the original space for independent action is greatly squeezed. This may mean a new dilemma for the transformation of grassroots petition governance modernization. This paper theoretically expands the research on grassroots government's petition governance under the background of new technology. The research conclusion provides valuable enlightenment for the deep reflection on the current transformation and modernization of the grassroots governance information 

Key words: The mayor's hotline, The grass-roots government, petition , governance, Technical governance


近年来,市长热线日益与大数据、智能技术融合在一起,对信访治理产生了越来越大的影响,新的技术在提升信访效率和透明性的同时对基层政府产生了意外的围困效应,对这一问题缺乏足够的关注。论文以 W 镇政府在市长热线带来的信访压力下设立镇级民情热线并最终失败的案例为研究对象,以技术应用中的行动者结构为逻辑,就新技术对基层政府产生的多重围困及其在这种围困下的行动策略进行了深入揭示。在不均衡的行动者结构中,基层政府在信访治理中不得不面对着上级政府的责任跟随机制、跨部门的压力聚集机制和基层民众跨层级的诉求传导机制,在这些围困机制的作用下,其原有的自主行动空间被大大挤压,这对于基层信访治理现代化的转型来说可能意味着新的困境。论文从理论上拓展了新技术背景下基层政府信访治理研究,研究结论对于深入反思当前我国基层治理信息化转型和治理能力现代化提供了有价值的启示。

关键词: 市长热线, 基层政府, 信访治理, 技术治理