Public Administration and Policy Review ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 99-.

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Horizontally Aggravating Tasks Between Departments: Operating Mechanism,Realistic Functions And Optimization Paths --Empirical Analysis Based On The Reforms To Streamline Administration,Delegate Powers,And Improve Regulation And Services In Province A#br#


  • Online:2023-09-17 Published:2023-09-05

职能部门间的横向加码: 运行机理、现实功能与优化路径——基于 A 省 “放管服” 改革的实证分析


Abstract: In China's national governance field, which is characterized by a unitary state structure and a centralized administrative system, “vertically aggravating tasks between upper and lower levels of government” are the focus of extensive academic attention. However, combined with the empirical experience of the the reforms to streamline administration,delegate powers,and improve regulation and services in province A, we can see that there may also be “horizontally aggravating tasks between departments”. On the basis of case analysis, the author attempts to systematically explain the operation mechanism of “horizontally aggravating tasks between departments” from four aspects: coordinated target matter, legally authorized lead department, smooth and efficient pressure transmission, and professional and responsible personnel. It also believes that in the process of implementation of relevant policies, it can promote the organic combination of overall planning advantages and professional advantages, enhance the quality of communication and cooperation between relevant departments, solve the problem of information asymmetry in assessment and acceptance, and improve the 

comprehensive ability and overall awareness of business personnel.Finally, it proposes optimization paths that focus on the comprehensive efforts of relevant departments, improve the reward and punishment mechanism for fulfilling responsibilities, emphasize the scientific and reasonable policy objectives, and enhance the publicity and guidance of relevant policies. By constructing a theoretical analysis framework for the related research of “horizontally aggravating tasks between departments”, we will make positive and beneficial explorations and efforts to expand and enrich the research perspective and research connotation of “aggravating tasks” in the field of China's national governance.

Key words: Vertically Aggravating Tasks Between Upper And Lower Levels Of , Government, Horizontally Aggravating Tasks Between Departments, Functional , Departments, The Reforms To Streamline Administration,Delegate Powers,And , Improve Regulation And Services


在以单一制国家结构和集权式行政体制为重要特征的中国国家治理场域当中,“层层加码”乃是学界广泛关注的焦点议题。然而,结合 A省 “放管服”改革实证经验可知,职能部门之间同样可能存在横向的 “加码”问题。在案例分析的基础之上,笔者尝试从协同一致的目标事项、法定授权的加码部门、顺畅高效的压力传导以及专业负责的人员队伍四个方面系统阐释职能部门间横向加码的运行机理,并认为其在相关政策执行过程中具有推进统筹优势和专业优势的有机结合、增强相关部门间沟通质量与协作水平、解决考核验收面临的信息不对称问题、提升业务人员的综合能力与整体意识等现实功能。最后,提出注重相关部门的全面发力、完善履责担当的奖惩机制、强调政策目标的科学合理、增进相关政策的宣传指导等优化路径。通过建构职能部门间横向加码相关研究的理论分析框架,为扩展和丰富学界关于中国国家治理场域内 “加码”问题的研究视角与研究内涵,做出积极有益的探索与努力。

关键词: 层层加码, 横向加码, 职能部门, “放管服”改革